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Tutorials: Launching your first study!
Downloading survey templates
This video takes you through the steps to download, and load, the survey templates that are critical to the functionality of the MindSampler application and study service.

MindSampler Study Setup
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Template structure overview
This will guide you through the survey templates themselves and how to customize them for your study.
Referenced materials (click to go):
Variable library (overview)
Full creating a survey documentation (in-depth)

MindSampler Quatrics Template Overview
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Launching the study
The prep work is done and it is time to launch your study. This video will guide you through the last steps.

Launching Your Study
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The user perspective
Your study is ready to launch but what is the user going to actually see? The best way to see this is to go to your preferred app store and download the MindSampler app. If you would like to test this before creating your own study, enter the user code "test" to use ours!
More Information: Interested in more detail than has been provided about the basics? Click here for our full documentation.
Advanced Features: Done with the basics and ready to move on to the advanced feature tutorials? Click here!
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